Related link: (Time: 14:19).
Still I am not sure whether I should be happy that they think I am a tourist. ^^

Here I should also write some gratifying words for my neighbour from Georgia who was so kind to assist me as being a translator (English to Russian and vice versa) on two occassions at the hospital, eventhough she told me later that she doesn't like hospitals at all.
Then, my 2nd roommate, from Turkey, who just went with us to accompany me and my 1st roommate from Brazil, who opted to go with me to the State Police the 1st time around.
Over the past 2,5 weeks I was able to do less than I would and being less motivated to still take up on the opportunity to see all that's around me. It is also that I just had (and still have) to deal with problems with my knee, this being an after-effect of the incident. Part of the doctor's orders are to rest, restricting the lenght of my walks. Hence, I joined in for events which would be fun and only having to sit (and then trying to stretch my leg to relieve pressure on the knee), namely Chinese Hot Pot dinner in PRIMA dorm and several CouchSurfing meetings. Now in the last days (flying back on 31st) I am cooling my knee with ice and putting vodka, hoping I can extend the length of my walks that little bit further so that I can still see new things. That is, before I have to say goodbye to Latvia for quite some time. In reality, I didn't portray my last few weeks to be like this. But then again, this holds true for the entire semester. I liked going to Latvia because it was 'jumping in the blue', to quote an international student and friend her view when deciding to study in the Netherlands. Indeed, it is the only way to find out how something is like, to life it in the real and cherish the moments you got. Try to enjoy them, because as all ERASMUS found out, time flies. Thanks to my friends I regained spirit to not forget about this subtle yet important fact, before I am actually leaving, as I still not realise that it will be over very soon.
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