woensdag 5 september 2018

Return to Latvia pt. 2: arrival in Vilnius

In the previous post I mentioned that I would go back to Latvia by bike.
Before actually hopping on a bike I first took the plane, my legs and the bus for the first day. My bus had a bright yellow colour with a robust appeal, just how I remember these "beasts". 
It did a great job bringing me from A to the B&B&B&B&B hostel where I stayed. 

After I met the awesome staff at the hostel I met with my ERASMUS friend 
Agnė in the evening. We went to the cafés Peronas and to Snekutis. At Snekutis I asked for a drink that wasn't a beer and I received Gira. I told the bartender it tasted a bit like Kvass after which he enlightened me that it was Kvass, it just being called differently in Lithuania. First Lithuanian word learned! :D At Snekutis I also had grated pancakes which turned out to be the best I tried in the whole of Lithuania and Latvia. All in all, I had a very good first day.

Next up: Cycling tour in Vilnius

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