maandag 17 september 2018

Return to Latvia pt. 8: route 141

After Kaunas I took the route 141 in direction of Šilute. The first stop was the castle in Raudondvaris. Then I went off track a bit to pass through Kulautuva as a recommended place. My initial plan was to visit it. However, due to the amount of rain I opted to stick with just one quick stop to make a photo along the Memel river just before Kulautuva. Later I saw a great wooden sculpture in Seredžius. A little bit further I read about an interesting history piece regarding rafting, which included:

RAFT-WAY The River Nenumas has been used for rafting for several centuries. The Nemunas used to be the main trade route to Prussia. We admire Raudonė and Panemunė Castles but not many people know that they were built by merchants who made a fortune trading in wood and ashes. The sight of rafting or stored rafts used to be an integral part of the landscape along the River Nemunas. Rafts tied as “beds” or “packs”, carried by current or dragged by a boat – they used to slither on endless. “raft-ways” on the Nenumunas riverbed. This is how raftsmen used to make a living. “Don’t you dare coming home, if you drown”, - used to tell mothers in order to discipline children who used to consider log convoys as their playgrounds.

 Sculpture RAFT-WAY is a sign of respect for the ancient traditions of the people who used to live along the River Nemunas. It’s a sign of respect of today’s roadmen to the then former main communication and trade 
route, i.e. the Nemunas. The sculpture symbolizes rafting on the Nemunas and the old Panemune road slithering along.
Project Author: Darius Linkevičius Constructor: UAB ,,SYVTEJIMAS” 2013m.. 2013 Construction: State Enterprise, ,,TAURAGES REGIONAO KELIAI”

As it was raining for 7 hours this day I basically just cycled on to get to my goal for the day: Jurbarkas. I set up my tent close to the river I passed for my first wild camping in the Baltics. I went asleep very proud for having made it through the adverse weather.

After Jurbarkas my goal for the day was to reach Šilute. I passed this amazing park Viešvilė on the way. I ended up reaching Šilute and completing the Nieman cycle trail. Not much time to celebrate, as I still needed to find a place to sleep. Accommodations were scarce so I wildcamped again. I went into the field with tall grass and set up my tent just next to some bushes and small trees.

The morning after I would try to get on a ferry to Nidden.

Next up: ferry far away

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