donderdag 15 november 2012

Tractors in Riga!

To my great surprise, I was able to see tractors in the city centre of Riga.
It was just when I left the faculty of Economics & Management after class that I noticed how there seemed to be a whole parade of tractors passing by. I must have counted at least 8 of them, being accompanied by one more vehicle with alarm lights as to ensure a secure flow of 'tractor traffic'.
Despite the fact that it took me a long time to whoop my camera out of my bag, I was still able to capture the following shot:

Somehow I simply love it when I see tractors driving in city centres, no matter where in the world. Supposedly so because you don't see them there so often, making it a small 'adventure'.

Adventures being either large or small, they are all special in their own way. 

1 opmerking:

  1. I saw them once in AMS last week, it was such a fun to see them drive around in the city center :P
