vrijdag 7 september 2018

Return to Latvia pt. 3: cycling tour in Vilnius

On the second day of my trip I did a guided cyling tour in Vilnius. As part of the tour we got a bike, which me, american couple and the tour guide itself used to get around. Picture of the bike was taken outside Vilnius.

Cycling uphill we saw street art where Putin and Trump "make everything great again" (written).  Afterwards, we saw the only Russian Orthodox Church in baroc style. Going on, we saw a place where the tour guide told us here "young people see the sun go down" (maybe made up).

Later we entered the  "Republic Uznavas" which you need to smile to enter.A tour guide let us choose which rule of the republic we preferred most. Some made sense as a rule, others less so and seemed to be more like a joke.
A grasp of the collection:
3. Everyone has the right to die, but this is not an obligation.
4. Everyone has the right to make mistakes.
12. A dog has the right to be a dog.
24. Everyone has the right to understand nothing.

We ended the tour seeing both old and modern buildings, and not to forget, great scenery on the Swedbank terrace. Total tour time about 5,5 hours in which we saw quite a lot.

Next up: cycling to the Grantos Live 2018 festival

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